(Management)Team Coaching

Collaboration from connection and vision

Naar beneden - Academic Vision

Alone you go faster,
together you go further

Would you like to strengthen the connection within your team?
Do you wish to collaborate based on a clear mission, vision, and core values?
Is there a challenging situation or conflict within your team?
Are you looking to establish a solid foundation as a new team?
Are you seeking an inspiring session for a retreat or team day together?

For many years, we have been guiding Management Teams and teams in education with various challenges. Sometimes with a brief session or intervention, and sometimes for an extended period.

Experience has taught us that there are several crucial conditions for a team to be motivated to contribute to common goals. We support you in taking the step that is important for you at that moment, whether it's strengthening the connection, establishing a shared vision, defining common core values, resolving a conflict, or tackling a new challenge.

Team guidance by AcademicVision always means tailor-made solutions. We listen, assess the situation, and present a customized proposal for team guidance.

Femke Algra ~ Coördinator docentontwikkeling UvA

"The strength of AcademicVision lies in the positive and open approach towards everyone. This encourages people to adopt an open mindset, igniting the spark for development."

Femke Algra - Coordinator UvA 

Our approach

The starting point is a sustainable result for you, not a 'quick fix.' Therefore, we take the time to look and listen carefully, to precisely understand what is happening and where the need for guidance lies.

Characteristic of our guidance is the safe context we create, allowing space for everyone's input. 'We walk the talk' by applying the conditions for effective teamwork in our guidance.

Depending on the issue and the intended result, the emphasis may be more on facilitating, coaching, or mediation. This can take the form of an Inspiration day or Retreat days, team sessions, process or project guidance.


Leiderschap AcademicVision
Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK

Our Teamcoaches

Team coaching is provided by Vivianne Tolen and Alies Zijlstra. Both are highly experienced leadership and team coaches with a wealth of experience in education. They have been delivering leadership coaching and guiding Management Teams in education for a long time and are involved in various leadership programs, including the Senior Teaching Qualification, the Educational Leadership Course, and Building Strong Educational Teams.

Alies Zijlstra - AcademicVision

Alies Zijlstra

Founder, leadershipcoach and mediator

Vivianne rond

Vivianne Tolen

Partner, leadershipcoach and facilitator


Depending on your goals, the following outcomes are possible:

A stronger sense of connection within the team

Increased effectiveness through improved collaboration

Optimal utilization of everyone's qualities and talents

Greater level of responsibility and ownership

A safe, open atmosphere and mutual trust

Within the team, there is connective communication

Alignment toward a common goal

Joséphine Rutten- AcademicVision

"Alies brings calmness, provides space for everyone's input, and skillfully creates connections between people and topics."

Josephine Rutten

Suzan Valstar-AcademicVision

"What a wonderful session it was! I still have a warm and happy feeling about it. I am going to work with my colleagues again with motivation! Thank you!"

Suzan Valstar ~ Coordinator Sint Nicolaas Lyceum Amsterdam

Erwin van Vliet- AcademicVision

"The professional guidance from Vivianne and Alies has resulted in an inspired team that is eager to continue building sustainable education together. Their enthusiasm and commitment are highly contagious!"

Erwin van Vliet ~ Programme director Psychobiology, UvA

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Ready for more connection and leadership? 

Get in touch with us!