Femma rond

Femma Roschar

Coach and trainer

Femma works in higher education as a teacher and coach and has a passion for the internal explorations that people make.

Her passion is coaching people to work and live in contentment and to make a difference for others. With ease and compassion, she understands and looks for the effects and possibilities from different perspectives. By doing this, she is creating space for everyone to discover freely and define important wishes, desires and goals. Her core qualities are openness, sensitivity, imagination and curiosity.

She offers coaching and training to students and teachers in personal leadership, effectiveness, group dynamic processes, negotiation skills, innovative learning processes, communications and presentation techniques.

Femma has worked in education since 2006 as teacher of Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology, Communication and personal development. She currently works at the University of Wageningen. After her Master’s Degree in Health Science, she attained her Postgraduate Degree in GZ Psychology and Mediation