Individual Leadership Development in education

Unlocking the Essence of Leadership in 5 Sessions 

The development of yourself
and your leadership go hand in hand

In an atmosphere of tranquility and clarity, how can you fulfill your leadership role?
How do you inspire your team members to collaborate with each other?
What are the prerequisites for pleasant and effective teamwork?
Shared responsibility sounds appealing, but how do you create it?
As a leader, how do you provide space for others while maintaining the lead?

These questions (and many others) are contemplated during the individual leadership program 'The Essence of Leadership.' This inspiring and concise program, consisting of 5 sessions, supports you in (further) developing your leadership skills and contributing to optimal collaboration within your team or department.

This program combines both course content and coaching, guiding you to the core of leadership. The focal point is the combination of Personal Leadership and Team Leadership.


Lilian Welling-Steffens- AcademicVision

"Five personal, enlightening, profound, and incredibly enjoyable 3-hour conversations with Alies. The program has provided me with invaluable insights into myself, my work and personal relationships, and leadership. Insights that I hope to apply in a future leadership role!"

Lilian Welling-Steffens - Associate Professor VU Amsterdam

Current Leadership Themes

Through themes that significantly contribute to the effectiveness and engagement of a team, this program provides knowledge development, practical application, and particularly, 'awareness.' Topics that will be covered include Motivation, Meaning, Safety, Acknowledgement, Recognition & Appreciation, Autonomy, Ownership, Development, and Connection. These themes are also highlighted in recent leadership books, such as 'Care to Dare' by Prof. Dr. George Kohlrieser and 'Servant Leadership' by Dr. Inge Nuijten. 

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Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK

"I am now able to fulfill my role more remotely without losing the connection with my team."

For whom?

This individual leadership program is designed for anyone holding a leadership position in a school or educational institution.

From rectors, school leaders, and department heads in secondary education to education directors, program directors, and coordinators in higher education, as well as directors and team leaders in primary education.

Whether you are new to a leadership role or seeking to further develop your leadership skills, or if you believe the leaders in your organization could benefit from this individual program, feel free to get in touch with us!


In short, an opportunity to achieve the following results:

Attain more tranquility, clarity, and effectiveness in your role as a leader

Acquire knowledge and insight into the key aspects of leadership

Gain a heightened awareness of yourself, your leadership qualities, as well as your tendencies and patterns

Understanding your personal development areas as a leader

Inspiration on how you can contribute optimally to others

Foster an optimal work atmosphere with your team members

Create more space for growth and development within your team and in the field of education

Enable more space for growth and development within your team and within the educational landscape

Our Leadershipcoach

Leadership coaching at AcademicVision is provided by Alies Zijlstra. She is a highly experienced leadership coach with a wealth of experience in the field of education. Alies has been and continues to be involved in various leadership programs, including the Senior Teaching Qualification, the Educational Leadership Course, Building Strong Teams in Education, and frequently guides management teams in the education sector.

Alies Zijlstra - AcademicVision

Alies Zijlstra

Founder, leadershipcoach and mediator

Agnes Willemen-AcademicVision

"Alies is a highly experienced and knowledgeable coach who, in a very open and pleasant manner, collaboratively explores development and growth. Her focus on recognition and appreciation creates space for change. Her vision on leadership is refreshing, especially in an educational environment where we are accustomed to focusing on mistakes and areas for improvement."


Agnes Willemen ~ Program director and Associate professor FBG, VU

Geert-Schenk- AcademicVision

"Alies is someone with whom I immediately felt safe. She quickly established a connection with me, allowing us to have meaningful conversations about personal matters. She also challenged me to reflect on my passions and things that truly matter to me. As a result of making decisions with these considerations in mind, I now experience much more joy and energy in my work."

Geert Schenk ~ Assistant professor Amsterdam Neuroscience, AUMC

Hannie van Hooff AcademicVision

"In a series of five personal conversations, I naturally gained deeper self-awareness and received valuable tools to implement within my organization. A safe and comfortable atmosphere was created, anchored in trust, connection, and purpose. I learned so much!"

Hannie van Hooff ~ Coordinator Life Sciences UvA

Rolinka Meijer AcademicVision

"Through the lens of key themes for growth and development, rooted in theoretical frameworks, we shed light on all kinds of practical aspects. It was valuable to peer into the mirror, seize conscious moments of reflection, and navigate stormy waters with a clear vision."


Rolinka Meijer~ Headmaster Arte College

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Ready for more connection and leadership? 

Get in touch with us!