Imre Végh - Academic Vision

Imre Végh

Coach and Trainer

Imre is an international trainer, discussion leader and (team)coach in higher education, politics and development aid agencies, who likes to connect heart to the mind.

His passion is personal leadership, meaning, ethics, critical thinking and effective communication. He brings out the best of people in a disarming and an inspiring way. He likes to ask probing questions, challenge assumptions and analyse arguments, all aimed at growth and learning. An idealist in heart and soul, he likes to use his critical mind to better the world. Critical when needed, clever when possible.

Imre worked with many politicians and members of parliament, and development organisations in Uganda, Laos and Vietnam amongst others, for commercial companies and many universities such as the Honours Programme of Rijksuniversity Groningen, Nyenrode Business University, PHDs at the TU Delft and students of the University of Beijing.

Imre is married and lives in Utrecht. He is passionate about space travel, chess and botanic gardens and cannot wait to tell his toddler son all about it.